Year: 1979
Released on : 1979-03-16
Rating: N/A
IMDB Score: N/A
MPAA Rating is: PG
Duration: 90 minutes.
Movie Synopsis:
Movie casts:
- Chuck Connors (Slausen)
- Jon Van Ness (Jerry)
- Jocelyn Jones (Molly)
- Robin Sherwood (Eileen)
- Tanya Roberts (Becky)
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Blu-ray Disc Details: Tourist Trap High-Def Digest Tourist Trap (1979) Bringing you all the best reviews of high definition entertainment. Founded in April 2006, High-Def Digest is the ultimate guide for High-Def enthusiasts who demand ... Tourist Trap - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies Movie Trailers ... Tourist Trap (1979) A truly unique concept for a Slasher film, Tourist Trap directed by David Schmoeller (Puppet Master) is a tense, creepy and very well done film. Tourist Define Tourist at Dictionary Tourist Trap (1979) first attested 1780, from tour (n.); tourist trap attested from 1939, in Graham Greene. Tourist Trap Blu-ray Tourist Trap (1979) Tourist Trap Blu-ray (1979): Starring Jocelyn Jones, Jon Van Ness and Chuck Connors. A group of young friends stranded at a secluded roadside museum are stalked by ... Tourist Trap 1979 Full Movie - YouTube Tourist Trap (1979) Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add freq32 's video to your playlist. Tourist Trap (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tourist Trap (1979) Tourist Trap is a 1979 horror film directed by David Schmoeller, revolving around a group of friends who wind up stranded at Mr. Slausen's "museum," where the ... Eccentric Cinema TOURIST TRAP Tourist Trap (1979) Cult Video's 1998 DVD release of Tourist Trap was timed for the film's then-20th anniversary. The 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer is quite ... YouTube Tourist Trap (1979) This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated. Tourist trap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Tourist Trap (1979) Tourist trap is an establishment, or group of establishments, that has been created or re-purposed with the aim of attracting tourists and their money. Tourist Trap Die Touristenfalle Wikipedia Tourist Trap (1979) Tourist Trap Die Touristenfalle ist ein US-amerikanischer Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 1979 .
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